Objective | About Us | Gujarat Urban Development Mission, Govt. of Gujarat.
Objective | About Us | Gujarat Urban Development Mission, Govt. of Gujarat.
Gujarat Urban Development Mission. Govt. of Gujarat.



The objective of the Mission is to support urban renewal and urban infrastructure development in the given timeframe for attaining better living standards, amenities and creating a congenial environment for people to live and work, in the urban areas of Gujarat.

The following are the objectives of the Mission:

  • To support the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) and communities to plan, build, operate, manage and maintain basic physical urban infrastructures viz. drinking water, sewerage, solid waste management, drainage systems, roads, street light, schools, dispensaries, parks and gardens, entertainment places, play grounds, crematoria, green belts, water bodies, rainwater harvesting systems, information centres and adequate social infrastructure in the areas of education, health, night shelters, old age homes etc.
  • To provide financial, technical and technological support for creation of modern infrastructure and to bridge the knowledge and information gaps in the field of modern urban technology and management.
  • To promote, facilitate, support and work with civil societies, resident welfare associations, voluntary organizations, and R & D institutions, technical and planning institutions for the management/ support of this process of renewal, in the multifarious aspects of the urban sector.
  • To support and make the urban areas and cities a conducive place to live and work with modern facilities and enable them to realize their potential in order to contribute in the social, economic, political, industrial, cultural and educational field.
  • To support and provide financial and technological help for slums and informal settlements’ rehabilitation; for up gradation and maintenance of at least a minimal level of civic services and allied social services in slum areas and informal settlements; for the creation of affordable housing stock by introducing elements of incentivized cross-subsidization in housing promotion policies and to facilitate livelihood support activities for slum dwellers and urban poor.
  • To enlist the support of private enterprise and the public at large for implementation, & maintenance of different projects on public- private partnership basis in all urban issues, wherever considered expedient, such as in infrastructure development, IEC programmes and social sector issues etc.
  • To facilitate/ expedite, undertake research at levels of the State Government/ Government of India and others, with a focus on policy reforms work by emphasis on issues related to urban land use, urban common properties, tenural issues of informal settlement dwellers etc.
  • To strengthen the urban transport system by adopting new technologies of integrated transportation system, traffic management and by promoting private sector participation.
  • To step up the regional planning and regional city networking to enable smaller cities access the best practices globally, enabling new town development etc.
  • To develop heritage sites and enable the cities to re-discover their unique ethos & identity by a re-discovery of their history & heritage, so that in a spirit of renaissance urban Gujarat outlook to modern life is infused with a spirit of pride in its moorings.
  • To promote the transition of ULB’s from being service providers to active facilitators, by the active engagement of the civil society, citizen groups and private sector.
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